“Presentation is everything”, quite an overused saying but does it really affects that well.?
Here are some few inputs that that knowingly and unknowingly affect the traffic that is welcomed by organic search engine optimization services. We will discuss them briefly in this short article.
It is noted that the more the user enjoy the site in terms of ;
– being on the site for long,
– the number of pages we browse through,
– the more likely is going to score well on SEO scorecard of Google.
Take a moment to evaluate your own web experience on a website. What makes you linger on the site and persuade you to be on the site? Is it really that content heavy? Or bombarded with a lot of stuff at the same time?
Here are some points to make your site well suited for SEO and explaining how design actually is the backbone of organic search engine optimization services.
Readable Text –
Good content is only good and digested when is presented in the proper quantity, with the right text font that doesn’t dissuade you from the web page. Basic knowledge of color combination can impact the user experience substantially. For instance; a light background calls for the dark text and vice versa.
Color Psychology –
Good content is only good and digested when is presented in the proper quantity, with the right text font that doesn’t dissuade you from the web page. Basic knowledge of color combination can impact the user experience substantially. For instance; a light background calls for the dark text and vice versa.
Color Psychology –
You don’t need to have a doctorate degree to understand color schemes that impact the user experience. Colors evoke different feelings which can be very well used as your arsenal in hitting the right audience, in the right way.
Minimalism –
Playing with minimalistic strategy can be very challenging in terms of selectivity but can be equally effective in terms of getting attention in a short span of time and holding it.
You don’t want to bombard the visitor on your site to make them stay, rather it would just do the contrary.
Allow some easiness on the screen to make the reader focus on one thing at a time. Just like the close up shots in movies. After filming along scene the filmmakers usually go for close shots of actors to let make us connect with them visually.
Welcome, Humbly –
It is taught to us since childhood to always be nice to your guests. Hence, avoid hitting guests with too many pop-ups. This is not a war, peacefully welcome the traffic and give some minimum time for you’re the visitor to be on the site. At least after 5 seconds, allow users to get notified by the pop-up.
Adapting to the discussed standards or tips can very well impact your website for guaranteed search engine optimization results and boost up your digital visibility.