As a contrast to brick mortar store, it’s not so much a physical job but smart virtual efforts get the traffic to your store. The traditional methods of attracting customers might work well for a traditional business. However, if you own an e-commerce store, getting traffic can be one of your concerns. And this article will guide you to the basic ways which can get you the customers to the market viz-a-viz through Search Engine Optimization
It is only through SEO that makes your product pages appear on the search engine website. It is important to note that SEO makes you appear in organic results that are more authentic, natural and free. It is only through the initial pages of Google that grabs 33% of traffic and it decreases significantly with the following pages. Guess, how much traffic is grabbed on page 3 of Google? Almost 1%, that is why they say the best page to hide a dead body is on page number 3.
Through SEO your products or product pages are displayed on the first 10 organic results (that is excluding the paid ads).
Step 1: Keyword research.
For a buyer to get the idea of buying or looking for some service only gets out of mind through words. Stepping into the buyer’s shoes to think of all possible words that can be used to look out for your products. Which makes up your research keywords on which your SEO is built.
However, there is a difference between information keywords and e-commerce keywords.
While information keywords are anything like this;
“how to increase my conversion rate optimization”
whereas, e-commerce keywords will have more of a buying intent;
“best tracking shoes”
Google being, one of the most popular search engines till date can be a goldmine for finding keywords related to your product. Through Google’s autocompleting feature you’ll spot some additional keywords research-related queries that again adds to your keywords bank.
If you already have a few basic keywords (like “raincoats for cats or best tracking shoes”) in mind, you can do the same process on Amazon. The great thing about Amazon suggestions is that they’re product-focused, unlike Google, which may contain vague information with respect to your product.
If you have a good monthly budget, you can also take help of some tools like; SEMrush, Google Keyword Planner tool, Ahrefs and so on.
Step 2. A fully immersed E-commerce website.
“A well maintained and customer friendly shop is sure to attract and retain its customer ship.”
Similarly, a user-friendly website makes sure the clicks of the potential customers do not go to waste in terms of getting what they were looking for or more. The Objective is to make the customer journey smooth to cart till sale, on your website. This is orchestrated by how the pages on your site are organized and structured give you a good search engine ranking.
So, make your User experience (UX) easy.
However, it may not be that easy as said but surely worth it.
Because as you add and remove products and categories, site structure gets complicated quickly. If you can get this right from the beginning, you’ll save yourself a ton of time down the road. Summing up;
Make your site simple yet scalable so that it can cope with future growth.
Most of your link authority is on your homepage, right? So, it makes sense that the more clicks away from your homepage a product page gets, the less authority it has. Make sure every page of your site is a few clicks from your homepage as possible.
Step 3: On-Page SEO for Ecommerce
Now that you’ve done your keyword research and your site structure is ready to rock, let’s talk about how you can optimize your two highest value pages that is your product page.
Following tips can get you better visibility in search engines:
Edit the title tags and meta descriptions to include your keywords.
You can make sure your file names include your keywords.
Choose the URLs for blog posts, webpages, products, and collections.
Another step is convincing searchers to actually click through to your site.
Those modifiers can also help you attack long-tail keywords
Choosing the right URLs.
According to Rand Fishkin and the Moz team, there are a few URL guidelines to follow for optimal ranking:
Your site’s URL should be easy to read and interpret because of accessibility matters to Google.
Using your research keywords in URLs is still highly encouraged as they show up in search results.
Shorter the URL is the better.
Match the URL and page title as closely as possible.
Match the URL and page title as closely as possible.
Avoid words like “and”, “of”, “the” and “a”.
Keep these guidelines in mind when choosing your product page and category page URLs.
Reduce thin content pages with long product descriptions.
Google and other search engines use the content on your page to decide which keywords to rank your page for and how high your page should rank for each keyword.
So, if your product page has a short little description and not much else, Google doesn’t have a whole lot to go on.
-Instead, write long, in-depth descriptions for your products so that Google can work its magic more effectively.
If your catalog is huge, focus on your top products or on products ranking on the bottom of the first page or the top of the second page.
The more you write, the more accurate Google can be in ranking your page. And, well, the more opportunity for using your keywords.
Plus, let’s face it, as long as you have a high-level description for the highly motivated, your customers won’t hate the extra product info, either.